Hello EveryOne,
This is my first blog and hope this will be help to fresher who are new on salesforce.
Today i learn how fetch the list of record by using of dynamic query with date field camparison.
I got successfully list based on date field criteria.so i am publish this.
Object Api Name : MyCustomObject__c;
Custom field date type : start_date__c;
List<sObject> myRecords = new List<myObject__c>();
Date dateForCamparsion = System.Today();
String strDate = String.valueOf(dateForCamparsion );
myRecords = Database.query ( 'select id ,start_date__c from MyCustomObject__c
where start_date__c ='+strDate );
now you can check this
This is my first blog and hope this will be help to fresher who are new on salesforce.
Today i learn how fetch the list of record by using of dynamic query with date field camparison.
I got successfully list based on date field criteria.so i am publish this.
Object Api Name : MyCustomObject__c;
Custom field date type : start_date__c;
List<sObject> myRecords = new List<myObject__c>();
Date dateForCamparsion = System.Today();
String strDate = String.valueOf(dateForCamparsion );
myRecords = Database.query ( 'select id ,start_date__c from MyCustomObject__c
where start_date__c ='+strDate );
now you can check this