Hello Friends,
Today i am publish a new post that tell you how to find the object from a record id .
And after find the object we can update the record.
Before update any record we can check, that field exist or not in a object whose value user want to change.
In my example i am changing the owner id of a record.
idOfRec: Id of the record whose owner field will be changed.
OwnerId: Id of the new owner
//This fucntion is Genric and change the owner of the record
public static void changeOwner(String idOfRec ,String OwnerId)
//Hold object name
String objName ='' ;
//this var indicate that selected object has ownerid field or not
Boolean isOwner= false;
//Hold record of object
SObject sObjInstance;
//Hold the query string
String q ='';
//Hold all objects in schema
Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> gd = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
//Hold the object api name
Set<String> keyPrefixSet = gd.keySet();
//Finding the Object by keyPrefix
for(String sObj : keyPrefixSet)
//hold particualr description of a object
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult r = gd.get(sObj).getDescribe();
//Hold the keyPrifix of present Objet. This is three digit key
String tempPrefix = r.getKeyPrefix();
//Compare the keyPrefix of present obj and
// the record's object which is in argument if match then store
if(idOfRec.subString(0,3) == tempPrefix)
Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> FsMap = r.fields.getMap();
//verifying that object contain the ownerid field or
//not because child object don't contain this field
objName = r.getName();
//if owner id fields exist in the object than update the ownerid and update the record
//Make a query to get a owner of that record
q = 'select id, ownerId from '+ObjName+' where id = \''+idOfRec+'\'';
//making the instance of that record by fetching data by dynamic query
sObjInstance= Database.query(q);
//Now put the new user id and update that record
update sObjInstance;
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message
(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Sorry Owner cann;t be change'));
}catch(Exception e){}